Chapter 10

An Ongoing Theme

Puzzle Pieces

A Turning Point

Heart Longing

Step by Step

More Than Meets the Eye


A Phenomenon

Creating Space

An Ongoing Theme

Many Mirrors

Solstice — December 2014

japanese flowering cherry and blue sky

Puzzle Pieces

June 19, 2014

Sometimes we are presented with a puzzle, a situation which is outside the parameters of our understanding.

Implicit in the arrival of a puzzle is the opportunity to allow — within ourselves — the puzzle pieces to come into place in such a way that the picture, the overview, becomes  clear.s we seek understanding, our field of vision can be as wide as we will allow.

As we seek understanding, our field of vision can be as wide as we will allow.

As we ourselves evolve within our opportunity to see with new perspective, we discover clarity.

The puzzle pieces move into place — steadily and surely.

Now we have a clear picture, and our clarity allows us to move gracefully within a new momentum where — happily — we know we can discover our appropriate steps.

A Turning Point

June 25, 2014

As Summer begins I’m shifting my focus, and it feels wonderful.

After addressing a learning curve in recent months, I’m at a happy turning point.

The visionary StarWheel mandala paintings provided an opportunity to produce several videos while learning — on and on.  I promised myself that I would complete the most recent StarWheel video — by far my most complex editing project — before the Summer Solstice.   

Having done so, just barely, I’m now turning toward the sunshine and the reach-out-and-touch sensory experience of New England’s all too short summer.

Aware of the tides on the Maine coastline, sunlight streaming across the water, the fragrance of rosa rugosa wafting in the breeze, my attention joyfully turns from Aya’s compelling mandala paintings to the beauty of the shoreline.

A new pathway is opening, beckoning.

Heart Longing

August 10, 2014

Heart longing is birthed from soul knowing.  It is a signal from our soul.

Heart longing is a reminder that there is more to see than we have heretofore been perceiving.

Heart longing invites the sun's light to shine through the mist.   

Heart longing stirs a warm breeze to envelop us and whisper to us.

Heart longing inspires an inner quest, a new way of honoring ourselves.

Heart longing opens the pathway for us to actively recognize our knowingness, our soul's knowing.

Heart longing is at the core of our remembering who we truly are, and why we are here.

Step by Step

August 17, 2014

In recent weeks the same subject has come up in conversations several times —  conversations with three different individuals who share the same concern.  Although I’ve been feeling there is something to write about this, the words have been eluding me.

By coincidence — synchronicity, really — I received a few days ago on Facebook, which I rarely visit, an August 6 posting by a friend of a friend (someone I’ve not met personally).  What caught my attention was this:

“In my experience, depression is a deep, soulful call for permission, affirmation, and authentic expression. It is actually a gift that drives us deeper into our own, hidden resources. But the ego does not “appreciate” such gifts, and we (individually and as a collective) have marginalized and pathologized the process, so the gifts often remain out of reach… Compounding the experience, the cycle, the depression… Less judging; more affirmation, patience, and trust. Love will prevail.”

He then added: (Yes, feeling the familiar tendrils tightening around my awareness, this morning … Noticing … Listening …)

Unlike Randall, I do not write from inside the experience.  Rather, over years of juxtaposition with others’ depression cycles, it’s possible I’ve gleaned a bit of insight through close observation.  I can only suggest.  What I suggest may or may not ring true for you.

Have you ever observed a turtle retracting into its shell when it has perhaps been poked or prodded?  It stays inside its protective shell until it feels safe enough to peer out.  Observing its own situation, it decides whether to re-emerge or retreat back into its shell.  Understandably those who experience depression often behave similarly.  So we may ask: What does the poking and prodding consist of?  And how are the tendrils, to which Randall referred, dissolved?  How is safety reestablished?  And where is “authentic expression”?

First, we look at how the tendrils became established in our awareness.  What are they, really?  When we can call them by their name, they will no longer have power over us.

Without judgement, and placing no blame, I see the tendrils as having been seeded when we were very young — primarily in the form of concepts which we were taught as children.  (And which have been handed down from generation to generation.)  We were specifically taught, by our well meaning parents/teachers/ministers, what was expected of us, so that we would fit in appropriately — and be safe and successful within our cultural context.  A definition of “success” was transmitted to us also, as well as a concept about “security”.  Many of us were so imbued with the directions established by our families that we have no Idea what we would have chosen, if we had a choice.

Perhaps it seemed implied that happiness was within the formula.  Was happiness to be achieved by the reaching of goals?

About 18 years ago, I had a vision within a deep meditation.  Within the dream-like vision I saw that people reach toward the “something” that they want to touch — an  arrival — and it dissolves before they can reach it.  Over and over again there is the reaching and the dissolving.  It continues as a cycle, around and around.  There is great loneliness within this cycle, huge disappointment.  What I saw in this vision was deeply saddening until I awoke from the “dream” and saw that all of the answers — the goals which inspired the reaching — were inside, inside oneself.  Within one all along — and yet unseen, unfelt.   

There comes a point when we begin to awaken, and knowingness begins to land within us.  Our rational minds are so accustomed to being in charge that we have to give ourselves permission to pay attention to our inner wisdom.  We learn how to express ourselves “authentically” (as differentiated from accustomed roles) and we feel encouraged to do so.

Our longing for “authenticity” propels us forward to dissolve the tendrils which have constricted our expression.  We recognize that the tendrils have provided for us a valuable opportunity to experience contrast.  We can now make choices that will dissolve those tendrils for they have served us long enough.

When we ourselves have not been in charge of our own decision making — about the course of our lives, or the scheduling of our day — all the choices default to others’ choices for us.  Having recognized this, we discover ways to balance our own equation.  That which we have been taught to be and to do, and the responsibilities we have thus assumed, now begins to be balanced out by our heart longings — signals to us from our soul.

All of our own healing-into-wholeness and happiness now occurs inside us — step by perfect step.

I feel sure that Randall is right: Love will prevail.

More Than Meets the Eye

August 20, 2014

Everything is energy.  And within the flow of energy — including our “doing”, or simply “being” — beauty is everywhere.  This is apparent when we choose to attune ourselves to beauty.

As I was thinking about “more than meets the eye”, I remembered having written about perception more than twenty years ago in Journey Through an Open Door.  I decided to re-read that portion of my first book.  Here is a small part of what I rediscovered in Journey:

Perception is a a matter of choice.  In every moment we all make choices for light or darkness, enhancing or diminishing our own radiance.  Within earth plane perception is accomplished through the five senses.  And there is the sense we call the sixth. That is intuition.  Intuition works through the other five.  Through all of these senses we perceive precisely that which we are willing and open to receive.

I also rediscovered that this chapter, “Perception”, was prefaced by a quote from Henry David Thoreau:

“We shall see but little way if we require to understand what we see.  How few things can a man measure with the tape of his understanding!  How many greater things might he be seeing in the meanwhile!”

There is a perspective from which we can view all the activity of energy and light — and humanity’s collective journey on Earth — as a wondrous play.  From this perspective — looking at the wonder of it all, and feeling our own vitality within the dance of energy — we sip the nectar which is Joy, and discover that our cup is overflowing.


September 03, 2014

The sun was lowering in the western sky when I began my walk along a favorite shoreline trail.  An onshore breeze rippled the surface of the incoming tide as it also gently stirred tree branches into their dance with the invisible.

With all of my senses finely tuned to the present moment I happily absorbed the pleasure of the experience — with every step and every breath — as Nature spoke eloquently in this place that I know well.  The salt air, the steady rhythm of the waves against the shoreline, birds in flight, the changing patterns of light on the water and through the trees, the hush…

In my awareness — now — these sensations continue to relax, energize, invigorate.

It is an outside-of-time experience when busyness slips away and the essence of harmony and loveliness permeates one’s entire being.


For several days now, I’ve been reminded — again and again — that “time” is not necessarily linear in even increments.

Moments which hold for us an especially lovely quality — because of the nature of our experience within those moments — are moments which are outside of time, as they echo for us in the present.  Those special moments expand in our awareness, layering themselves into our “now”, adding a texture of beauty which does not diminish.

Sometimes those moments which echo are moments which have been shared; sometimes they are moments of solitude.  Either way, they are moments which nourish us.

On a superb summer day last week I decided to take a break from busyness.  I had begun my day well before dawn accompanied by my to-do list.  The clear and mild afternoon now beckoned me in another direction.

A Phenomenon

September 21, 2014

The use of these tools can contribute to an expansion of awareness, thus facilitating a wave of positive energy.  The flip side is the possibility of further numbing and/or an illusion of power.  It is entirely the choice of the participant.

Discovering — and remembering — the difference between "illusion" and "real" is part of our challenge in this brave-new-world.

Enveloped by a refreshing breeze as I walked to my car in the sunshine, I felt a sense of relief. I felt lighter, as though a weight had been lifted.  The energy shifted, as if by magic.  The magic was my reconnection with the sun and the earth, and the awareness that I’m a conscious being in a larger universe.  For me, this is the balance point against which everything man-made is measured.

I took a deep breath.  My little excursion had given me a stark reminder of the difference between the beguiling invention, now attracting much attention, and the magnificently basic — the sun’s warmth and the breeze.  I know where my feet are planted.  And that is reassuring.

There is a difference between that which appears to be and that which is.

Two days ago I observed a curious phenomenon.

Coinciding with launch day of the iPhone 6 I decided to do a simple — non-Apple — errand which I'd been postponing.  To do so, I walked past a line of hundreds of people waiting to purchase a new iPhone.  I was amazed to learn that they had begun to arrive for this event the previous afternoon. I asked myself, "What is this about, really?”

My mind went in circles for a while.  The answer to my question seemed multifaceted.

I shifted my attention.  I considered how I feel about these Apple devices which are becoming ubiquitous essentials in our global culture.

These devices are tools; they are not life itself.

Itis up to us to define how we will use them — how will we allow them to serve us, instead of the other way around.

If we do not willfully define our boundaries, our own "terms of use", the actual cost to us in time and vitality can become far more than the purchase price of the enchanting device.

Creating Space

September 23, 2014

Beauty and harmony are everywhere apparent in the cycles of the day — from sunrise to sunrise, in the cycles of the moon — from New to Full to New again, in the cycles of the seasons — Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.

We live inside these circular rhythms. We can choose to harmonize with them.

Knowing the time of sunrise is only information.  It is not the same as experiencing the beauty and inspiration of the sunrise.

So too, If our calendar tells us that it is the day of the Autumnal Equinox, or the New Moon, that is also simply information.  It is not the same as experiencing the energy of the Equinox, or the New Moon, and intentionally focusing within it.

At each turning of the seasons we have a new opportunity to acknowledge, and be collaborative with, the foundation of Earth rhythms on which all of our busyness and preoccupations are inherently layered.  In so doing, we invite a new flow of Ease amid the “stuff” of our preoccupations.  Amid our busyness we develop a new perspective.

It is now the turning of the seasons — Summer into Fall, in the Northern hemisphere and Winter into Spring in the Southern.  Wherever we live, we now have a new opportunity — within Earth’s circular rhythms — to harmonize with Earth in creating space for ourselves in which we can harvest and savor the richness of Earth experience in every moment.

In the Northern hemisphere, this is the first full day of Autumn in my time zone.  Tomorrow is the New Moon.

There is much to celebrate at this Autumn Harvest time.  As the apples fall from the tree, filling our baskets to overflowing, tomorrow’s New Moon provides a wave of energy for new focus, new beginnings in the new season.

What will we choose to create now?

Happy Autumn!

October 22, 2014

An Ongoing Theme

What is becoming obvious are the effects on consciousness that are being demonstrated globally as humanity seeks to redefine its self expression, both collectively and individually.

Some have noticed that the color of the sun has changed since they were children.  Sunlight having become more white, instead of yellow, indicates that the frequency and the speed of light is increasing.  Since all material is made out of electromagnetic energy, which means light as both particle and wave simultaneously, the structure of all material creation is changing to harmonize with the higher frequency vibration and speed.

How does this translate to how we may feel?

Those who are aware of the energy, and inviting it, feel themselves being invigorated and enlivened and are excited about the potential of the changes inherent within the new planetary energy field.  Those who are in resistance to it may not be enjoying themselves.  Adaptation and personal growth are necessary.

We may find that we feel it less important to be attached to what we may have thought we knew, while we also feel it more important to be fully present in the now moment where we discover new possibility.

Mother Nature’s paintbrush is transforming the landscape every day, with her Autumn palette — hues from reds to golden to russet.  Within the circular pattern of the seasons this change does not surprise us, for it is very much a part of our experience each year.  Concurrently there is another change, ongoing — a change not visible to our eyes, but increasingly apparent in our experience.  Change is truly an ongoing theme and it invites us to participate consciously, our hearts and minds open to new possibilities.

A few days ago, the largest sunspot of the current solar cycle formed.  It is nearly as large as the planet Jupiter, which is more than ten times the size of Earth.  This new sunspot is projecting many different frequencies of solar energy toward Earth.  These frequencies travel at different speeds and thus arrive in waves.  Solar cycles, as measured thus far, are most often around 11 years in duration.  The current solar cycle, #24, began in 2008.  Thus, this largest sunspot is unusual and significant.

On Earth, we humans and other life forms are all being affected electromagnetically in ways that no one really understands, as yet.  In the last three years, there has been only one day without sunspots.  Therefore the electromagnetic effects are ongoing and cumulative.

Always and never and rigidity do not live in this new frequency.  Instead there is flexibility — with discernment.  “This is the way we have always done it, therefore (that applies to now)…”  “This is what we have always believed, therefore…”  Perhaps the concepts were wrong.  Earth was once thought to be flat.

What is essential now, in the new higher vibrational frequency energy, is to learn to hold within ourselves, and to express, the qualities that are of the Light — including peace, happiness, amusement, delight

The energy is Love,

     the dance is constant

     vibrant, joyful

                                             (from the song “Now is the Time”, 2007)

November 03, 2014

Many Mirrors

Everywhere, among the trees, there is a visual metaphor:  The landscape mirrors to us an opening into a wider view, an opportunity to see with new perspective.

There are two concurrent waves of change — the change in the seasons, and the change in the Solar light and energy.

Although the visible light, daylight, will continue to diminish in the Northern Hemisphere for about seven more weeks, the Solar energy continues to increase.  Because of this process with the Solar light, our ability to perceive is being broadened.  We are, increasingly, face to face with ourselves in ways that have heretofore been largely inaccessible.  We are each looking into our own mirror — an opportunity which may seem daunting or magical.  We are — quite literally — seeing ourselves, and everyone else, and all of our experiences in new light.

Consciously welcoming this new light turns up the rheostat on our capacity for clarity.

This is the magic of now: Clarity brings understanding brings peace brings happiness and — ultimately — a joyful new way of experiencing Earth.  We ourselves then mirror Joy and Possibility to everyone else.

The winds of change are blowing steadily.  The towering maples, whose glorious red and golden leaves I’ve been noticing each day, are now bare-limbed.  It is mid-Autumn.

In a blustering northwest wind, slender branches swirl in a rapid dance.  As drying leaves are borne earthward on the invisible wings of this wind, the landscape opens.

It is the step by step progression from season to season, from Autumn to Winter.

December 22, 2014

Solstice — December 2014

We may experience these energy waves of change anywhere on a continuum which looks like this:  On one extreme, powerful clearing is taking place.  Any old issues we may not have addressed rise to the surface to be released.  The releasing creates space for awakening to new understanding, new clarity, new choices.

On the other “extreme”, clarity is enhanced every day.  We feel the delight and joy of harmony with the new higher vibrational frequency energy.  We feel energized by the rooting of these frequencies into Earth’s energy field, and into ourselves.  Our sense of well being is enhanced, and we feel the excitement of a new way of being.  We experience ourselves as connectors between the finite and the infinite, happily expressing on Earth.

The traditions which are being celebrated during the holiday (holi-day) season have a spiritual foundation.  The lighting of candles, or Christmas lights, is both festive and symbolic.

Now we see and feel and experience the greatest Light — the light of awareness and Love  — expanding on Earth.

In the Northern hemisphere, Winter has now begun.  In the Southern hemisphere, it is now Summer.  Everywhere on Earth, it is a Solstice time unlike any other, for the electromagnetic energy from our local star — our Sun — continues t 2014 o increase.  Wave after wave, we are bathed in a broad spectrum of electromagnetic energy.

The place to notice the effects of these energy waves is — first — within ourselves.  (The outer world may appear to be “business as usual”.)  Because we humans as energy-in-form are electromagnetic beings, we are being affected by these energy waves — whether consciously or not.  Our thoughts are electric; our feelings are magnetic.

Yes, it is a Solstice unlike any other.  For countless millennia, lifetimes of learning have taken place on planet Earth.  Amid the high vibrational frequency energy, constantly increasing, we now arrive — step by step — onto a pathway which is fully open.

The pathway is the New Earth, the New Garden Earth.  Whatever we choose to call this place, it is a pathway which is also an arrival.  More than we can now perceive, it is a time of celebration!

Happy Solstice!  Happy Holidays!